On this page, you will find:

To find organisations working for LGBTQI+ rights, visit our Portugal LGBTQI+ Resources page.
For Portugal country of origin information (COI) experts, reports, commentaries, and relevant documents visit our Portugal COI page. 

Refugee protection

Click here to see the numbers and origins of refugees hosted by Portugal

The following sections contain information on the most important international treaties and agreements of which Portugal is signatory, as well as national legislation relevant to the protection of refugees.

Since 1976 Portugal has been both a party to the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and to its 1967 Protocol. It has also accepted the UN Statelessness Conventions.

Regionally, Portugal is a member of the European Union (EU). As such, it is subject to the EU framework on refugee protection, which is based upon the Schengen Borders Code (Regulation (EU) 2016/399), the Dubin Regulation (Regulation (EU) No 604/2013) and the Asylum Procedures Directive (Directive 2013/32/EU).  

Portugal’s national framework on refugee protection is based on the Asylum Law No. 27/2008 of 30 June, which was amended by law No. 26/2014  (lei de Asilo). It establishes the conditions and procedures for granting asylum or subsidiary protection and the statuses of asylum seeker, refugee and subsidiary protection. In addition, the Foreigners Law No. 23/2007 of 4 July, amended by Law 29/2012 of 9 August (Lei dos Estrangeiros) regulates the legal regime for the entry, stay, exit and removal of foreigners from the national territory. 

Legal aid organisations

CNAIM Lisboa
Address: Rua Álvaro Coutinho, 14, 1150-025 Lisboa
Tel.: 21 810 61 17
Email: cnaim.lisboa@acm.gov.pt
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, from 8:00 am to 17:00 pm. 

The National Support Centres for the Integration of Migrants (CNAIM) were created in 2004 in order to give response to some difficulties felt by the immigrants in their process of integration in Portugal. The cultural differences, organizational and legislative, together with the quality of the different services, to which the immigrant must apply, took the High Commission for the Migrations (ACM) to create a place to gather, in the same space, different services, institutions and Cabinets of Support to the Immigrant. This is a government service, which is present in many locations. They can be found here

Tel: (+351) 21 831 43 72
Email: apoio.juridico@cpr.pt or geral@cpr.pt

CPR is a non-governmental organisation that provides free legal support to refugees and asylum seekers in Portugal throughout the asylum procedure and also at the integration stage.

Organisations providing other support to refugees

Tel: +351 213 620 192
Email: info@crescer.org

Crescer is an association providing services and support for individuals and communities, including refugees and asylum seekers.

Address: Rua Rogério de Moura, Lote 59, 1750-342 Lisboa
Tel: +351 217 552 790, +351 932 904 595 or +351 937 979 771
Email: jrs@jrsportugal.pt

JRS  provides services in social support, psychological support, medical support and medication, legal support, professional integration support and guidance, Portuguese Language Courses and training for employment. It is also present in the follow-up of immigrants in administrative detention (Santo António Housing Unit). They can also provide housing and accommodation solutions for homeless immigrants in situations of particular social vulnerability. 

Address: Av. de Ceuta (Sul), Lote 4, Loja 1, 1300-125 Lisboa
Tel: +351 21 36 19 520 or +351 21 36 19 521
Fax: +351 21 36 19 529
Email: mdmp-lisboa@medicosdomundo.pt

Médicos do Mundo provides medical assistance to refugees in detention centers and in temporary shelters.

Portugal LGBTQI+ Resources

Find organisations working for refugee LGBTQI+ rights in Portugal.

Portugal COI

Find Portugal Country of Origin information (COI) experts, reports, commentaries, and relevant documents. 

We are always looking to expand the resources on our platform. If you know about relevant resources, or you are aware of organisations and/or individuals to include in our directories, please get in touch.

Last updated June 2023